Refill Cards

Starting at $60

100 solid plastic cards

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For easy pledge collection
A proven way to save you—the Gabai—time and money. Used in hundreds of shuls around the world, these aliya card kits have revolutionized collecting pledges made on Shabbos and Yom Tov.

No need to memorize who got what aliya or how much they pledged.

  • Sturdy plastic cards. Waterproof and tear-proof
  • Space for full-size member label
  • Easy clear, and efficient grid layout
  • Over 40 amounts to select from. Endless possible combinations
  • Works for 3-day Yomim Tovim.
  • Full list of pledges for Yomim Noraim and Shabbos Bereishis
  • Built-in multiples-of-Chai calculations

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100, 50